
Nossa... Esse povo parece que tah morrendo...

Ceis naun tem nada pra falah naun ???
Soh pega aki, chupa ali ... EKATI ! auheuaehauehaueh

Fora issu, soh toh escrevendo pra naun dizerem que naun escrevo nada...

Acho q eh soh !

PS: Ningu�m lembrou, fiquei ontem o dia inteiro lendo o blog pra v� se algu�m falava alguma coisa e nada...
T� di mau !

Today's Quotes: Joey "I saw this movie once where there was this door and nobody knew what was behind it. They finally got it open and millions and millions and millions of bugs came pouring out. They feasted on human flesh! You know, it wouldn�t kill you to respect your wife�s privacy !"